I. Membership
1. Any person interested in the advancement of the analysis of non-market decision making, as described in the above statement of purpose of the society can become a member of the Society.
2. One can become a member of the society by indicating the wish to do so on the registration form of any conference organized by the society.
3. Every member is entitled to receive announcements of conferences to be organized by the Society and any other materials that the Executive Board shall specify for circulation to the general membership.
4. Membership will end if (i) the member dies; (ii) the member notifies the president that (s)he no longer wishes to be a member.
II. Members meeting
1. The Society will organize a general members meeting once a year.
2. This members meeting will be organized during a conference of the Society. It will be held at a time and place that enables as many members of the Society that are present at the conference as possible to attend it.
3. Decisions at the members meeting are made by simple majority vote unless stated otherwise in these bylaws. Each member present at this meeting has one vote.
IIII. Executive Board
1. The Society will have an Executive Board consisting of nine members and the president. The society aims at preserving a regional spread in the composition of the board.
2. Each member is appointed for a three year period. A resigning member may at any time be replaced by simple majority vote in the general members meeting. The new member will finish the three year period of the replaced member. A year in office is defined as the period between the closing of a members meeting and the closing of the members meeting in the following year.
3. The Executive Board will meet no more than 72 hours before the general members meeting.
4. At each and every general members meeting, three executives will resign and be replaced by three new executives.
5. A member of the Executive Board cannot be reinstated to the board within three years after resigning from it.
6. An exception to III.5 can be made if the board appoints a president who was a member of the Executive Board in the three years preceding the presidency.
7. Any member may nominate a candidate for the Executive Board. Such a nomination must be in writing and it must be handed to any member of the Executive before the meeting of the board.
IV. President
1. The Society will have one president.
2. The president is one of the ten members of the Executive Board.
3. The president will be chosen by the members meeting to serve for a two year period.
4. The presidents term will start at the closing of the members meeting where (s)he is appointed and will end at the closing of the members meeting two years later.
5. If the president is unable to perform the duties set out below, the Executive Board can appoint one of its members to replace her or him.
6. Any member may nominate a candidate for the presidency. Such a nomination must be in writing and it must be handed to any member of the Executive before the meeting of this board.
V. Duties of the President and Executive Board
1. The president of the society will preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and all members meetings. In the case of her or his disability, the president will appoint one of the members of the Executive Board to fulfill these duties.
2. The president is responsible for maintaining a web site for the society.
3. At least two months before the annual conference of the society, the president will poll the Executive Board for nominations for the new Executive Board.
4. At the meeting of the Executive Board, it will nominate by approval voting three new members to be proposed to the general meeting. In addition, the Executive Board will nominate by approval voting the next president for the Society. The Executive Board will convey all nominations put forward by members to the members meeting, even if these nominations are not adopted by the board.
5. Subsequently, at the members meeting, the president will present the nomination of new Executive Board members and president for approval. If the proposal is not approved by a majority of the members, the Executive Board will present an alternative nomination.
6. The Executive Board will nominate by approval voting a local organizer and a program organizer for the annual meeting in the succeeding year. These two organizers may be one and the same person.
7. Subsequently, the president will present the nominations for approval by the members meeting.
8. The president will make minutes of the members meeting held at the end of her or his term and distribute these to the members within one month of the meeting. Distribution by way of posting the minutes on the Societys web site is sufficient.
9. The Executive Board may appoint a treasurer to receive, have custody of and disperse the funds of the society.
10.The Executive Board will be the governing executive body of the Society. It may adopt any rules or regulations for the conduct of its business which are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
VI. Web site
1. The Society will maintain a web site for communication with its members.
2. The web site will post at least: (i) an announcement and call for papers for the annual meeting; (ii) a list of members of the Executive Board and president; (iii) a program of the annual meeting (when available); (iv) minutes of the preceding general members meeting; (v) the bylaws of the society.
VII. Meetings
1. The annual meeting of the Society will be held at a time and place that is determined in consultation between the president, the local organizer and the program organizer, but not less frequently than once during each academic year (September 1 through August 31). Notice of such time and place, and a call for papers will be mailed to the membership and posted on the web site of the Society at least three months in advance of the meeting.
2. In consultation with the president, the local organizer will determine the conference site and all (if any) social activities.
3. The local organizer is encouraged to reserve about 5% of the conference fees collected as starting capital for the conference in the following year.
4. In consultation with the president, the program organizer will determine the procedure for selecting papers to be accepted for presentation at the meeting.
5. Invitations for plenary sessions will be determined by the local organizer in consultation with the program organizer.
6. Special meetings will be held at such time and place as may be designated by the president or by the person to whom the president has delegated responsibility for the program of such meetings.
VIII. Amendments
1. Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed subject to the approval of a two-thirds majority of the Executive Board.
2. If such amendments are supported by a simple majority of members in attendance at the annual meeting, they will be posted as an official amendment proposal on the web site of the Society. At the members meeting in the subsequent year, this proposal will be put to a vote. If a simple majority supports the proposal, the bylaws will be adopted accordingly.
3. In emergency situations where these bylaws do not provide a solution, the president can conduct a mail ballot amongst the members of the Executive Board to make amendments (subject to a two-thirds majority). These amendments will be posted on the web site of the Society and will be considered as an official amendment proposal at the next members meeting, if they are posted no less than two months before this meeting. Such amendments nay be applied until approved or rejected at the next general members meeting.